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Welcome to Beyond Pest Control Inc.

• Low Cost, High Quality, Friendly • Professional Pest Control Services

• Same Day Appointments are Available

• Se habla Español

Live with Pests or Eradicate Them

If someone you know asked you if you wanted to work with pests, such as mice, rats, bees, spiders, ants, and others, would you say yes or no? Most people in NYC don’t want to live with pests of any sort, even those of the human variety. At Beyond Pest Control, we can’t help you keep away your annoying mother-in-law or an aggravating cousin, but we do offer apartment pest control so that your tenants don’t have to live with mice, rats, ants, spiders, and other pests.

Why Live Pest-Free

While most cities and states have regulations in place to ensure that everyone has access to pest-free accommodations, that isn’t the only reason to keep pests out of your apartment building. Pests carry disease, which can cause your tenants to get sick, sometimes severely. If they get sick and cannot pay the rent, you end up not getting paid. You may be able to fight for restitution, but that can take a long time, and it’s easier to keep tenants than try to find new ones.

Along with such, you may not be able to get new tenants if they check for rodent and pest droppings before making a decision. Therefore, you may be out a lot of rent money and still have to clean up the place.

Why Choose Us

We make it easy to eradicate a variety of pests. We’ve been doing this for almost four decades, so we know what works. Therefore, we don’t waste any time. We can also ensure that pets and children are safe from whatever products we use to remove the pests. That way, you don’t have to worry about children and pets getting poisoned because of the chemicals used. We strive to perform the best work possible, so contact us today to schedule an appointment.
