
how to get rid of bed bugs, bed bug exterminator nyc

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Well here we are once again, except we here at NY Pest Pro are talking about those creepy crawlies the Grasshopper. Did you know that they can be from ¾” to 1½” in length, now that’s huge and a scary bug (to a New Yorker). In case you were wondering they live outside of New York City but you can find them in any grassy area during the summertime. Like other bugs and insects grasshoppers also have larvae and nymphs and they have various species.

NYC GrassHopper Control

These bugs are gross and can be a scary sight if you’re leaving your New York apartment and find one at your door, but us here Beyond Pest Control we know what we are doing and trust me you are in great hands when it comes to bugs! And creepy crawlies. These bugs can cause severe damage to crops if you live outside of NYC and be careful because these feeders will destroy corn, alfalfa, soybeans, cotton, clover, grasses, and flax. I know many of us here in NYC don’t see many fields of corn and such but we like to think that here at Beyond Pest Control, we know about a large variety of bugs, insects, and even animals.

Also there are over 600 species of these critters and you have to be careful because some cause more damage than others. The three that can cause the most damage are called the differential, two striped, and red legged and all which are economically damaging to farms outside of NYC. So here at Beyond Pest Control do not only deal with the problem pertaining bed bugs, but we treat all bugs.

I like to pride myself here at Beyond Pest Control in a manner that we here are very well educated in the fight against bugs. Many of us here live in New York City and we may not see these bugs very often, but one day, whether it be on a vacation or anything of that nature we at Beyond Pest Control would like to prepare you for what you may encounter outside of NYC, therefore here I am writing these mini articles so that when you do you know exactly what to do and how to react to one of these ugly bugs.

NYC GrassHopper Control

If you ever have any bug related questions feel free to call us either at Beyond Pest Control. Once again, and I can’t stress this enough we are on call twenty four hours a day seven days a week to kill those bugs, we aren’t kidding whether you call us at 9 am or midnight we will be available to take your call and either get rid of the bug infestation, or answer any questions you may have concerning the bug issue. I can honestly guarantee that there will be someone to answer that call. We make it our business to make you bug free!


If you have any questions about grasshopper control check out the rest of our website or go to our blog at http://nypestpro.blogspot.com.

Beyond Pest Control.

Our pest control specialists service all NYC boroughs, including Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island (both Nassau & Suffolk counties), Staten Island and even both Westchester & Rockland counties.
